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Hosted by Panda
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Season 3  /  Epsiode 2  (S03E02)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Chims - Dark of the Forest
ChimsGrove - Goodnight City Lights
ChimsGrove - Last Known Surroundings
Chims and subknoT - Noppera-bo
ChimsGrove - October 29 (Panda Mix Exclusive)
ChimsGrove - A Good Idea at the Time
ChimsGrove - In the Backseat
ChimsGrove - Fighting to Forget
* timecodes may be estimated
Chims is a Norwegian producer born and raised just outside the country's capital Oslo. Influenced by all genres of music his productions are as diverse as they are similar. His music has a unique sound created to start thought processes and make you feel relaxed and calm. A meticulous attention to detail shines through every production giving it greater depths and new levels each time you hear a track. The music has one goal; pleasing your ears and mind. This is music you can listen to anytime and anywhere and instantly travel to distant places in your mind.
Daydreams are Chims' gift to you, and he hopes you enjoy them.

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Panda Mix Show, YouTube's #1 mix show brings you the best in exclusive music and guest mixes from major artists around the world. It reaches over 4 million listeners monthly and has a following of over 350,000 subscribers. It features drum and bass, bass music, future bass, electro house, techno, lounge, moombahton, reggae and dubstep   mixes and is produced by Panda. Panda Mix Show is a supporter of the World Wildlife Fund.

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